With MaGE: Daan Utsav and other initiatives
Under Daan Utsav, household provisions were purchased and distributed to the housekeeping staff. Also, provision hampers were distributed to slum dwellers in Koramangala, Bangalore.

Under Daan Utsav, Swanthana, an NGO in Bangalore, was funded the purchase of medical supplies for mentally challenged female children
During Christmas, provisions were distributed to the families of the house keeping staff of Tunbridge High School, in Bangalore.
During Diwali, gifts were distributed to the children residing in orphanages located in and around the MAB campus in Bangalore.
Funding support was provided for payment of school fees and purchase of provisions for children of Hope Home Foundation, an orphanage in Shimoga, Karnataka.
Under the Oxfam’s Trailwalkers event in Bangalore, contributions were collected to sponsor a 45 kilometre walk of one of MaGE’s employees. The proceeds went to Oxfam to support the cause of poor communities.